Editors' Choice 2024

User icon Toby Green
21 February 2024
218 items

Every week, Gary Price and I choose new and noteworthy reports for Policy Matters, a newsletter that goes out to our growing community of registered users. Here are reports we've chosen so far in 2024.

MI: Manhattan Institute · 20 June 2024

Wikipedia.org is the seventh-most visited domain on the World Wide Web but its significant has grown beyond its direct human readership, as its content is routinely employed in the training …

Carbon Tracker Initiative · 20 March 2024

The window of time to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement is rapidly shrinking, and yet oil and gas companies are still failing to take the requisite actions to …

Fashion for Good · 29 May 2024

This report interprets findings from the Sorting for Circularity USA project and explores opportunities to maximize recovery of unwanted textiles for reuse and recycling through improved collection programs that distinguish …

CATF: Clean Air Task Force · 19 March 2024

A patchwork of entities plan, develop, and oversee the construction of electric transmission infrastructure across the U.S. The lack of centralized data, access restrictions, and the heterogeneity of the data …

Elsevier · 12 June 2024

The report underscores the ongoing disparities in gender equality within research and innovation fields. Despite some progress, significant gaps remain, particularly in leadership roles and funding opportunities for women. The …

eSafety: eSafety Commissioner (Australia) · 20 June 2024

In 2023, eSafety collaborated with researchers from Deakin University and the Queensland University of Technology to conduct a qualitative study into the online experiences of young men. The project explores …

QUT: Queensland University of Technology · 31 July 2024

The research community’s fixation on journal prestige is harming research quality, as someresearchers focus onwhereto publish instead ofwhat. We examined researchers’ publicationpreferences using a discrete choice experiment in a cross-sectional …

DRE: Dam Removal Europe · 15 April 2024

The European dam removal movement achieved another record-breaking year. A remarkable 487 barriers were removed in 15 European countries in 2023 – a 50% increase on last year’s record number. …

CSIS: Center for Strategic and International Studies · 4 June 2024

As China ramps up pressure on Taiwan, one major step it could take is a law enforcement-led quarantine of the island. This report lays out China’s potential motivations for a …

Children's Society · 29 August 2024

The Good Childhood Report 2024, published by The Children’s Society, is the 13th annual report that examines the wellbeing of children and young people in the UK. The report reveals …