Overfishing Alaskan Salmon

User icon Heather Dray
30 July 2024
22 items

Policy designed to address the decline of salmon populations in Alaska due to overfishing.

NCEAS: National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis · 1 December 2017 English

To fill the gap, this SNAPP Working Group will: 1) increase the coverage of the global fish stock status and management databases and identify major information gaps; 2) provide an …

EU: European Union · 21 May 2024 English

The impact of climate change is most acute at Earth’s polar regions. The Arctic and Antarctica are warming rapidly, with dramatic consequences for not only the local environment, but the …

EcoLogic: Ecologic Institute US · 18 February 2023 English

Riedel, Arne, Hugh McDonald, Lina Röschel, Jan Bührke, Sira Horstkötter (2022). Marine Conservation in the Alaskan Arctic. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.

EU: European Union · 30 May 2024 English

The seventh edition of the EU Blue Economy Report, presented in a fresh format, persists in thoroughly examining the scale and breadth of the Blue Economy within the European Union …

NBER: National Bureau of Economic Research · 25 January 2024 English

Non-target marine fish species and ocean ecosystems are increasingly valuable. Ongoing efforts to preserve them emphasize spatial controls on human entry and use via Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). They cover …

AFDF: Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation · 4 March 2015 English

Drawing on existing literature, each case study includes (1) a description of the industry; (2) the current economic impact of the industry, (3) the history and reasons for the industry’s …

Stimson Center · 19 December 2023 English

Together, brokers and importers take seafood industry records about the seafood products and translate the information into specific data requirements to meet detailed needs of different federal trade programs across …

EPRS: European Parliamentary Research Service · 6 March 2024 English

The EU fisheries and aquaculture products (FAPs) market is largely dependent on external producers. Some of the imports entering the EU market come from countries with lenient regulations. This study …

World Bank Group · 26 March 2019 English

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations estimates that fisheries and aquaculture assure the livelihoods of 10 to 12 percent of the world’s population, with more than …

PICES: North Pacific Marine Science Organization · 17 April 2024 English

All names and claims expressed in this book of abstracts are solely those of the authors and do not represent those of the PICES Organization, nor those of their affiliated …