Overfishing Alaskan Salmon

User icon Heather Dray
30 July 2024
22 items

Policy designed to address the decline of salmon populations in Alaska due to overfishing.

Stimson Center · 19 December 2023 English

Together, brokers and importers take seafood industry records about the seafood products and translate the information into specific data requirements to meet detailed needs of different federal trade programs across …

PICES: North Pacific Marine Science Organization · 17 April 2024 English

All names and claims expressed in this book of abstracts are solely those of the authors and do not represent those of the PICES Organization, nor those of their affiliated …

CMS: Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals · 4 January 2024 English

This report is the result of a collaboration between the Convention on Migratory Species and the UN Environment Programme as part of the CounterMEASURE II plastic pollution programme, generously funded …

NBER: National Bureau of Economic Research · 25 January 2024 English

Non-target marine fish species and ocean ecosystems are increasingly valuable. Ongoing efforts to preserve them emphasize spatial controls on human entry and use via Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). They cover …

PICES: North Pacific Marine Science Organization · 13 November 2015 English

Improve data quality, monitoring, and enforcement NMFS Stock Assessment Surveys Source: National Marine Fisheries Service Fisheries Data ● Landings data for shoreside deliveries ● Daily electronic reporting requirements for catcher …

UN: The United Nations · 2024 English

264 . : ill., graphs, maps, tablesThis edition features the Blue Transformation in action, illustrated by activities and initiatives, led by FAO in collaboration with Members, partners and key stakeholders, …

PICES: North Pacific Marine Science Organization · 3 January 2024 English

Many of the recommended core indicators were selected in all ecosystems to reflect environmental and human pressures and ecosystem responses; however, not all core indicators could be examined (because, for …

Oceana · 25 August 2017 English

Chapter 2 (Physical auspices of the US Department of Interior, directs the management Setting), explores various climatic attributes and the abiotic processes of the Arctic, both onshore and offshore, in …

CMS: Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals · 12 February 2024 English

This report, the first ever State of the World’s Migratory Species, provides a comprehensive overview and analysis of the conservation status of migratory species. It summarizes their current status and …

IOM: International Organization for Migration · 6 May 2024

WORLD MIGRATION REPORT 2024 The opinions expressed in the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). [...] …