
The population of Africa has grown rapidly over the past century and consequently shows a large youth bulge, further reinforced by a low life expectancy of below 50 years in some African countries. Total population as of 2020 is estimated at more than 1.341 billion, with a growth rate of more than 2.5% p.a. The total fertility rate (births per woman) for Sub-Saharan Africa is 4.7 as of 2018, the highest in the world according to the World Bank. The most populous African country is Nigeria with over 206 million inhabitants as of 2020 and a growth rate of 2.6% …



CEIP: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace · 18 July 2024 English

It’s that time of the year! Dip into the third and final batch of summer recommendations from Carnegie Europe’s scholars, friends, and colleagues. We hope you discover some real gems.

illuminating �lm about the extraordinary risks taken by Africans seeking a be�er life in Western Europe. Filmed

UNDP: United Nations Development Programme · 17 July 2024 English

The G7 Leaders’ Summit in June 2024 welcomed the Italian Presidency’s decision to establish the AI Hub for Sustainable Development, in collaboration with UNDP. As affirmed in the G7 Leaders’ …

Study: Natural Language Processing “by Africans for Africans”— Masakhane 33 2.2 Compute 34 Guide: energy and untapped potential. With 60 percent of Africans under the age of 25, it has the world’s youngest CASE STUDY Natural Language Processing “by Africans for Africans” — Masakhane With approximately 200 languages

World Bank Group · 16 July 2024 English

The Chad Economic Update is a World Bank report series produced once a year, that assesses recent economic and social developments and prospects in Chad. The Economic Update also provides …

Chadian camps for on average 15 years and Central Africans for 6 years. Due to security and economic problems

World Bank Group · 15 July 2024 English

The CPIA Africa report highlights policy trends, best practices, and key changes in Sub-Saharan Africa, following the World Bank's annual Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA). The analysis is designed …

African products was almost entirely off set by Africans buying foreign products at a time when domestic

World Bank Group · 15 July 2024 English

The COVID-19 pandemic presented countries with unprecedented challenges this year, spurring widespread shutdowns, school and business closures, and job losses. Countries are facing an unprecedented economic downturn. Digital technologies have …

unaffordable for lower income and rural South Africans. Technology adoption in the private sec- tor is

12 July 2024 English

The question of the architecture of the international financial system is on the agenda. [...] Factors that could explain the weak development of the financial sector include the weakness of …

the creation of a rating agency specifically for Africans. The rating system is dominated by three international culturally aligned, inclusive, and led by Africans, for Africans. In conclusion, this report would not have

FPRI: Foreign Policy Research Institute · 10 July 2024

decline in democracy. According to a May 26, 2021, article from the Council on Foreign Relations, more Africans were living under fully or partially authoritarian states than at most points in the previous two

APHRC: Africa Population Health Research Center · 28 June 2024 English

Key among these are the following questions: • To what extent has APHRC managed to develop its operational systems and internal processes to support this growth sustainably, including according to …

Health Research 12 Decolonialization Agenda led by Africans 13 Preparing for Future Pandemics 13 Validation institution made up of Africans, conducting research by Africans for Africans. This well-networked research health research; decolonialization agenda led by Africans; preparing for future pandemics; and actors within several sectors. Decolonialization Agenda led by Africans Genetic diversity and the way this impacts health

26 June 2024 English

This paper contextualizes CCIs within their historical and economic frameworks, and addresses key debates in the field, such as the tension between the economic commodification of culture and the pursuit …

power and cultural diplomacy. It highlights how Africans adapt other African products to their national

Brookings Institution · 26 June 2024 English

Africa's 1.4 billion people, 580 million of whom have no access to energy. More than 150 million Africans have access to unreliable energy and nearly 1 billion have no access to clean cooking, leading to

Africa’s 1.4 billion people, More than 150 million Africans have access to unreliable energy and nearly 1 energy resources, Africa can provide energy to all Africans—600 million of whom currently lack access to energy

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