Land Reform

Land reform (also agrarian reform, though that can have a broader meaning) involves the changing of laws, regulations or customs regarding land ownership. Land reform may consist of a government-initiated or government-backed property redistribution, generally of agricultural land. Land reform can, therefore, refer to transfer of ownership from the more powerful to the less powerful, such as from a relatively small number of wealthy (or noble) owners with extensive land holdings (e.g., plantations, large ranches, or agribusiness plots) to individual ownership by those who work the land. Such transfers of ownership may be with or without compensation; compensation may vary …



RSIS: S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies · 19 July 2024 English

058 – 19 July 2024 The authors' views are their own and do not represent the official position of the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies of the S. [...] …

Market-oriented reform requires constructing a “national unified large market”, “rural land reforms”, and “reform of the

NCAER: National Council of Applied Economic Research · 18 July 2024 English

The development of the Punjab economy, as driven by the evolution of the GR and its impacts on the wider economy, has resulted in a mixed picture regarding growth of …

However, the government of Indian Punjab, piggybacking on national efforts such as the Bhakra-Nangal dam complex, introduced land reforms, provided an agricultural research and extension system, irrigation and drainage system, credit, and a paved road

World Bank Group · 18 July 2024 English

EAPGIL’s mission is to generate evidence on what works—and does not—to promote gender equality in East Asia and Pacific and to translate evidence into better policies and programs. EAPGIL adopts …

taking advantage of improved infrastructure. • Land reform programs need to involve both beneficiaries regional priorities, including entrepreneurship, land reform, education, social protection, and childcare In the Philippines, an EAPGIL IE found that land reform interventions can result in lower agricultural EAPGIL Research? • Section 2 22 Box 4. How Can Land Reform Programs in the Philippines Improve Tenure Security titles. Qualitative work carried out later with land reform beneficiaries found that these impacts were

World Bank Group · 15 July 2024 English

06-14 2024-08-10 2024-06-20 2024-10-14 2025-04-12 MW-MOA-436195-CS-INDV / I T & Database Administration Specialist for Land Reforms I mplementation Unit IDA / E1840 C6 Project Management Prior Individual Consult ant Selection Direct - National

World Bank Group · 4 July 2024

Au Sénégal, malgré l'existence de dispositions légales et d'engagements internationaux visant à promouvoir l'égalité entre les sexes en matière de droits fonciers, les femmes continuent d'être confrontées à des défis …

World Bank Group · 23 June 2024 English

State Program’, which considers completing land reform a top priority for Georgia. Regarding donor

RECOFTC: Center for People and Forests · 21 June 2024 English

The results of the research are presented in the form of the three case studies in the main chapters of this publication. [...] In the timber sector, the study investigated …

However, the cases vary by cooperative. Tha Sae Land Reform Agriculture Cooperative Limited, for instance Kor’ documents verified by the Agricultural Land Reform Office and ‘Kor Tor Chor’ documents endorsed undergoing group certification auditing. Tha Sae Land Reform Agriculture Cooperative Limited, piloting this

Brookings Institution · 20 June 2024 English

General elections can offer Africans the opportunity to strengthen their governance frameworks. However, as coups in Niger and Gabon in 2023 have shown, without a governing process characterized by fidelity …

food inflation the most unequal in the world, land reform effort 6/29/24, 6:18 AM Elections and the state

ORF: Observer Research Foundation · 19 June 2024 English

Introduction China’s agriculture has successfully met the challenge of feeding 1.4 billion people with 95-percent food self-sufficiency; the question, however, is whether this can be sustained. Can China’s current agricultural …

No doubt, Mao’s land reforms—compared to the time before the 1949 revolution when China was a semi-feudal economy—were

MP-IDSA: Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses · 19 June 2024 English

Further, the judge directed May when the government informed the IHC registrar to invite the director the court that the poet was in the generals of the ISI, MI and …

PML-N chapter declaration said political parties should president and farmer chief minister reach consensus on land reforms

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