
In astronomy and planetary science, a magnetosphere is a region of space surrounding an astronomical object in which charged particles are affected by that object's magnetic field. It is created by a star or planet with an active interior dynamo. In the space environment close to a planetary body, the magnetic field resembles a magnetic dipole. Farther out, field lines can be significantly distorted by the flow of electrically conducting plasma, as emitted from the Sun (i.e., the solar wind) or a nearby star. Planets having active magnetospheres, like the Earth, are capable of mitigating or blocking the effects of …



PIK: Potsdam-Institut fur Klimafolgenforschung · 28 February 2024 English

Correlation does not necessarily imply causation, and this is why causal methods have been developed to try to disentangle true causal links from spurious relationships. In our study, we use …

information transfer between the so- lar wind and the magnetosphere-ionosphere system, Entropy, 23, 390, https://doi

APL: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory · 2024 English

Donald G. Mitchell (JHU/APL) Images of the Magnetosphere. October 20, 2000. Daniel S. Goldin (Director

IMF: International Monetary Fund · 27 October 2023 English

Natural disasters are inevitable, but humanitarian and economic losses are determined largely by policy preferences and institutional underpinnings that shape the quality of public infrastructure (including emergency responses and healthcare …

interplanetary conditions that effect the earth’s magnetosphere, ionosphere, and thermosphere. 6 emergency

WMO: World Meteorological Organisation · 27 September 2023 Spanish

RESUMEN GENERAL DE LOS TRABAJOS DE LA REUNIÓN 3 2) Los Miembros, y en particular el Níger, solicitaron que la metodología para la estimación de la densidad de la GBON, …

observation of high latitudes, or to fly through the magnetosphere at various distances from the Earth, for the wind several minutes before they reach the magnetosphere and the Earth. ● The term Sun-Earth line used

WMO: World Meteorological Organisation · 26 September 2023 English

The President underlined the important role of the Executive Council in preparing the next session of the World Meteorological Congress, which will elect the officers and the members of the …

Forecasting and Monitoring 1.2 Energetic Particle and Magnetosphere Forecasting and Monitoring 1.3 Ionosphere, Thermosphere observation of high latitudes, or to fly through the magnetosphere at various distances from the Earth, for the wind several minutes before they reach the magnetosphere and the Earth. ● The term Sun-Earth line used

WMO: World Meteorological Organisation · 1 September 2023 Arabic

)WMO( التابعة للمنظمة اللجنة الدائمة القرار 23 (SC- والتتبُّع المساهمة في آلية االعتراف التابعة المساهمة في آلية االعتراف التابعة H.3.3 بشأن الهيدرولوجيا )WMO( وتتطلب خطة عمل المنظمة بمحطات الرصد الطويلة …

observation of high latitudes, or to fly through the magnetosphere at various distances from the Earth, for the wind several minutes before they reach the magnetosphere and the Earth. ● The term Sun-Earth line used

WMO: World Meteorological Organisation · 15 August 2023

En effet, les Membres de l’OMM ont besoin de systèmes efficaces et efficients d’observation du système terrestre, de gestion et de traitement des données, de surveillance, de prévision et de …

observation of high latitudes, or to fly through the magnetosphere at various distances from the Earth, for the wind several minutes before they reach the magnetosphere and the Earth. ● The term Sun-Earth line used

WMO: World Meteorological Organisation · 14 August 2023

助理秘书长张文建博士代表秘书长佩特里·塔拉斯教授也对届会与会者表示了欢迎。他强调了本次届会对 WMO 的重要性以及对届会成果的高度预期。他特别强调了 WMO 地球系统方法始终对 WMO 会员满足社会需 求至关重要,除了 WMO 的职责之外,还可提供所有空间和时间尺度所需的服务。为了使 WMO 会员能够提供 《WMO 战略计划》中所述的产品和服务,确实需要有效和高效的地球系统观测、数据管理、数据处理、监测、 预报和预测系统。他赞赏地注意到了基础设施委员会自其第一次届会(INFCOM-1)以来取得的出色进展和成 就,例如根据“决议 1 (Cg-Ext(2021)) - WMO 地球系统数据国际交换统一数据政策”实施的 WMO 地球系 统数据国际交换统一数据政策、根据《WMO 全球综合观测系统(WIGOS)2040 年愿景》和“决议 2 (Cg- Ext(2021)) - …

observation of high latitudes, or to fly through the magnetosphere at various distances from the Earth, for the wind several minutes before they reach the magnetosphere and the Earth. • ● The term Sun-Earth line used

WMO: World Meteorological Organisation · 14 July 2023 English

The President recognizes the great efforts of those involved in the reform process, including Members of the Executive Council, their working groups and the task forces, the technical commissions, the …

environment including the Sun, the solar wind, the magnetosphere, the ionosphere and the thermosphere, and its reaching the near-Earth space, disturbing the magnetosphere and ionosphere and impacting the Earth’s magnetic specify the electron flux levels throughout the magnetosphere. Marginal Space Weather: Cosmic ray Ground-based dynamical magnetosphere, especially at high latitudes of the geomagnetic field magnetosphere, (which in

National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy · 27 June 2023 English

more. [...] Here, the high-energy charged particles of the solar wind become captured by the magnetosphere and are driven into collision with the gas particles of the atmosphere. [...] I’m only too glad

planet is a strong magnetic field called the magnetosphere, which arises from deep within Earth’s core spreads along invisible ‘field lines.’ The magnetosphere causes charged particles from space to be deflected particles of the solar wind become captured by the magnetosphere and are driven into collision with the gas particles

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