Medical Geography

Medical geography is a sub-discipline of geography and a sister field of health geography, focused on understanding spatial patterns of health and disease as related to the natural and social environment. Conventionally, there are two primary areas of research within medical geography: the first deals with the spatial distribution and determinants of morbidity and mortality, while the second deals with health planning, help-seeking behavior, and the provision of health services.



INREA: National Institute for research in technical sciences for the environment and agriculture · 23 October 2023 French

political ecology of disease as one new focus for medical geography, Progress in Human Geography, 20, 4, 441-456

Technopolis Group · 11 September 2023 English

Final report

included areas such as indigenous health, medical geography, materials science, social studies, environmental

Technopolis Group · 11 September 2023 English

support for such development), better reporting/sharing of methods (n = 3) Lack of consistent and Sample preparation challenges reliable sample State of the art equipment and facilities to allow preparation …

included areas such as indigenous health, medical geography, materials science, social studies, environmental

RIS: Research and Information System for Developing Countries · 15 May 2023

It was also around the same time that the Madrid Declaration on Science Diplomacy was launched, and that the Royal Society in London and the American Association for the Advancement …

countries in particular. Bhavana, K. R. (2014) ‘Medical geography in Charaka Samhita’, Ayu, 35(4), p. 371. Endnotes

IMIN: Institut za migracije i narodnosti · 25 November 2022 Croatian

Tako kot druge države v Srednji in Vzhodni Evropi je tudi Jugoslavija ločevala med „domačim“, konstitutivnim delom prebivalstva, in „tujim“, ki je v naporih po izgradnji nacije predstavljal moteč ele- …

comparative analysis, interdisciplinary research, medical geography, mortality rates, Slovenian-Croatian border regional-geo- graphic analysis within the scope of medical geography, - using the available medical, statistical

International Longevity Centre · 17 October 2022 English

The Health of Older People in Places (HOPE) project is a multidisciplinary research project funded by the Health Foundation under the Social and Economic Value of Health in a Place …

Paul Norman. Presentation to International Medical Geography Symposium, 23 June 2022 [Edinburgh, UK] Consultation had been achieved in 2011. International Medical Geography Conference 2022, Edinburgh, UK. Health and

IMIN: Institut za migracije i narodnosti · 9 September 2022 Croatian

Tako kot druge države v Srednji in Vzhodni Evropi je tudi Jugoslavija ločevala med „domačim“, konstitutivnim delom prebivalstva, in „tujim“, ki je v naporih po izgradnji nacije predstavljal moteč ele- …

comparative analysis, interdisciplinary research, medical geography, mortality rates, Slovenian-Croatian border regional-geo- graphic analysis within the scope of medical geography, - using the available medical, statistical

British Academy · 22 February 2022 English

These range from the Elizabethan Poor Laws of the 16th century to the social welfare programmes developed in the aftermath of the Second World War and the health inequalities strategy …

People, Environment, Disease and Death: Medical Geography of Britain Throughout the Ages; Shaw et al People, Environment, Disease and Death: Medical Geography of Britain Throughout the Ages. Institute

Wellcome · 18 January 2022 English

To enhance the transferability of the findings, we • Where the current approaches have provided a description of the to modelling the impact of climate- contexts, selection and background sensitive …

(ULB) in Belgium. Associate Professor of Medical Geography at the University of Florida, with a joint Postdoctoral Associate, Medical Geography, University of Florida. PhD in Medical Geography, University of Florida

ARL: Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft · 2022 English

disciplinary approaches (e.g. public health, (medical) geography, spatial planning, sociology) who have solid

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