Military Strategy

Military strategy is a set of ideas implemented by military organizations to pursue desired strategic goals. Derived from the Greek word strategos, the term strategy, when it appeared in use during the 18th century, was seen in its narrow sense as the "art of the general", or "'the art of arrangement" of troops. Military strategy deals with the planning and conduct of campaigns, the movement and disposition of forces, and the deception of the enemy. The father of Western modern strategic studies, Carl von Clausewitz (1780–1831), defined military strategy as "the employment of battles to gain the end of war." …



MP-IDSA: Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses · 26 July 2024 English

Since the end of the Second World War, the US’s engagement in South Asia has undergone changes in response to evolving geopolitical dynamics in the region and the global landscape. …

defence matters. It advises the President on military strategy and operations in the region, coordinating joined the non-aligned movement. In terms of military strategy, Bhutto reversed the previous policy of relying last accessed on 19 June 2024. 44 ‘China’s Military Strategy’, The State Council, The People’s Republic

Oxfam GB · 19 July 2024 English

This report examines the systematic weaponization of water by the Government of Israel during its military campaign in Gaza. It highlights the severe water shortages and sanitation crises resulting from …

and sanitation infrastructure is part of a military strategy to systematically weaken the civilian24 infrastructure

CEIP: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace · 17 July 2024 English

The message from Chinese officials has become increasingly clear: the United States and China should first stabilize their political relationship before taking on nuclear issues.

military writings such as the Science of Military Strategy (National Defense University edition) clearly environment.”22 On the latter, the 2020 Science of Military Strategy stresses that “strategic de- terrence is a can help address both. The 2013 Science of Military Strategy (Academy of Military Sciences edition) also experts and that appear in the 2020 Science of Military Strategy.74 The meaning of “asymmetric” is vague, purely defensive objectives, the Science of Military Strategy implies that it is just and legitimate for

ORF: Observer Research Foundation · 15 July 2024 English

Editor’s Note Military reforms have been a long pending requirement for post-Independence India. Under the Narendra Modi government in the past decade, crucial decisions were made in the defence reform …

training, and operations. They highlight the military strategy in alignment with the concept of the ‘Local cms 8 Arzan Tarapore, “The Army in Indian Military Strategy: Rethink Doctrine or Risk Irrelevance,” Carnegie

DPG: Delhi Policy Group · 4 July 2024 English

DPG is deeply committed to the growth of India’s national power and purpose, the security and prosperity of the people of India and India’s contributions to the global public good. …

UYSM, AVSM, VSM & Bar, Senior Fellow for Military Strategy, Delhi Policy Group [[ The views expressed Deependra Singh Hooda (Retd.), Senior Fellow for Military Strategy. The research team includes Shreyas Deshmukh

CIS: Centre for Independent Studies · 2 July 2024 English

Responding to a pastoral query from a Christian military tribune about how to reconcile the Christian Gospel of love with the political need for the use of violent force to …

end of securing a sufficiently just peace. Military strategy needs to be integrated into a larger, political prescribes that it must have one and that military strategy should be integrated into it. In addition vulnerable, I think, is on the integration of military strategy into a larger, political plan for peace. Does

DPG: Delhi Policy Group · 2 July 2024 English

The national-level JOCC, also known as the CMC JOCC, coordinates the efforts of the five theatre commands to achieve the PLA’s strategic objectives.27 In addition to these reforms, organisational changes …

UYSM, AVSM, VSM & Bar, Senior Fellow for Military Strategy, Delhi Policy Group \ The views expressed Science of Military Strategy, compiled by the PLA’s Academy of Military Science’s Military Strategy Studies org/pubs/research_reports/RR1708.html. 91 2020 Science of Military Strategy.

IPA: Institute of Public Affairs · 1 July 2024 English

The Ruinous Cost of Free Energy | 13 3 What is a system? The ‘grid’ is formed and sustained by the synchronous operation of the gener- ators within an AC …

lines and infrastructure are standard in military strategy and tactics. In the civilian sector, the capacity

BESA: Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies · 1 July 2024 English

It then defines, on the basis of the worldview of the political echelon, the national goals (ends); the required national abilities (means); and the principle ways of action (ways) that …

principle according to which the Israeli military strategy is defensive; that is, reactive to threats

RAND Corporation · 28 June 2024 English

Since the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949, RAND has been at the forefront of efforts to rethink the issues, options, and trade-offs that the Alliance …

implications, in addition to evaluating Soviet military strategy and intentions. In 1952, Project RAND established government policy and helped alter NATO’s military strategy toward flexible response and stronger conventional government policy and helped alter NATO’s military strategy toward flexible response and stronger conventional examined the conditions for formulating a sound military strategy for a post– Cold War NATO. Their analysis researchers contended that formulating a new military strategy for the post–Cold War era required focusing

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