
Morocco, officially the Kingdom of Morocco, is the westernmost country in the Maghreb region of North Africa. It overlooks the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and has land borders with Algeria to the east, and the disputed territory of Western Sahara to the south. Morocco also claims the Spanish exclaves of Ceuta, Melilla and Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera, and several small Spanish-controlled islands off its coast.



Amnesty International English

further delay of the fate of their loved ones. [...] We said that the page cannot be turned unless Morocco comes to terms with and addresses the violations of the past, and puts an end to the climate of impunity

to you to update you all on the recent visit to Morocco. I know that this is a country of special interest the past (Morocco was the subject of a country campaign in 1991), the fact that Morocco is currently Section’s on-going support for development in Morocco. Of course our delegation included representatives impressions, and these are both vivid and varied. Morocco is a country which has witnessed years of gross We said that the page cannot be turned unless Morocco comes to terms with and addresses the violations

ACUS: Atlantic Council of the United States · 16 October 2013 English

women in Morocco, and was ridiculed by more conservative Islamists. [...] Despite the current king’s efforts to promote a legislative agenda to modernize Islamic laws governing civil society in Morocco (detailed political parties such as the PJD and the continued political activities by the JCO, both inside Morocco and in Europe, point to the fractures in Morocco’s soci- ety between those who favor a more moderate

Morocco QUICK FACTS Population: 32,649,130 Area: 446,550 sq km Ethnic Groups: Arab-Berber 99.1%, other Updated July 2013) Unique among Muslim states, Morocco has integrated Islamist political move- ments that this might have for the region and the wider Arab MOROCCO 1 and Muslim world. ISLAMIST ACTIVITY A number currently active in Morocco. Unlike in other Muslim nations, however, Islamism in Morocco is quite fragmented immigrant communities in Europe. Meanwhile back in Morocco, following the discovery in 1985 of arms caches

Amnesty International English

Amnesty International fears that Mohamed Hajib is being punished for calling for the closure of the Témara detention centre and denouncing violations committed by the Moroccan authorities in the context …

Index: MDE 29/008/2011 Date: 17 June 2011 Morocco: Investigate torture allegations Amnesty International Treatment or Punishment (CAT), treaties to which Morocco is a state party, and the UN Body of Principles arrested on 18 February 2010 upon his return to Morocco from Pakistan via Germany. He was convicted based Syria for 11 months in 2008, and then deported to Morocco in 2009. He was detained for 38 days in Témara

Amnesty International English

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC STATEMENT Index: MDE 29/014/2010 Date: 29 June 2010 Morocco: Stop harassment of critical journalists Amnesty International has called on the Moroccan government to cease harassing

Index: MDE 29/014/2010 Date: 29 June 2010 Morocco: Stop harassment of critical journalists Amnesty organizations campaigning for human rights in Morocco over many years during which it has repeatedly and made clear its commitment to secularism in Morocco. Background Human rights defenders, journalists was published in France in 2009 but banned in Morocco on account of its criticism of King Mohamed VI’s AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC STATEMENT Morocco: Stop harassment of critical journalists

SAIIA: South African Institute of International Affairs · 30 April 2018 English

Morocco left the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in 1984 when the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR, also known as Western Sahara), which the Moroccan monarchy considered to be part of its territory successfully campaigning to re-join the AU, Morocco was voted back in with an overwhelming majority on 30 January 2017. This raises the question: why did Morocco seek to re-join the AU, and what are the implications implications for the SADR’s bid for recognition as an independent state? This paper shows that Morocco re-joined the AU as part of a longer-term strategy to cement its leadership prospects in Africa and

MOROCCO JOINS THE AU: MOTIVES AND MEANINGS CARMEL RAWHANI O C C A S IO N A L PA PE R 2 7 otherwise indicated. Cover image: Casablanca, Morocco. © iStock 696981492 SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF Steven Gruzd, ABSTRACT Morocco left the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in After successfully campaigning to re-join the AU, Morocco was voted back in with an overwhelming majority January 2017. This raises the question: why did Morocco seek to re-join the AU, and what are the implications

SOLIDAR: Advancing Social Justice in Europe and Worldwide · 9 August 2018 English

are still needed especially regarding the lack of transparency and the presence of clientelism which As the informal economy is so widespread, it is dif- impede the realization of the …

COUNTRY STUDY MOROCCO Social Rights Monitor TABLE OF CONTENTS As part of the EU-Morocco Partnership, the protection can be defined as a set of pub- space in Morocco. In particular, it examines the pro- lic measures es, promote active socio-economic security and Morocco became a privileged partner of the EU advance individual parties to redefine their joint priorities based in Morocco. The following issues were reported by on a sound rights monitor. In order to assess the situation in Morocco, con- Respondents highlighted that the health care

ETF: European Training Foundation · 17 May 2022 English

achieving this objective, namely the identification of skills held by MOW and the skills required by Morocco, the launch of a study on the skills of MRA and their contribution to Morocco’s development projects system for monitoring and updating data. [...] SKILLS AND MIGRATION COUNTRY FICHE MOROCCO | 11 operations, placing Morocco in the spotlight with the launch of the Rabat Process in 2006 (this brings together the scope of the Sharaka programme, the aim of which was to support the implementation of the EU- Morocco Mobility Partnership (2014-2017). [...] The projects analysed present different features of interest:

SKILLS AND MIGRATION COUNTRY FICHE MOROCCO September 2021 Translated version. In case of doubt as to lications/ SKILLS AND MIGRATION COUNTRY FICHE MOROCCO | 2 lications/ SKILLS AND MIGRATION COUNTRY FICHE MOROCCO | 3 PREFACE The European Training Foundation’s Lebanon, Moldova, Morocco, Tunisia and Ukraine. SKILLS AND MIGRATION COUNTRY FICHE MOROCCO | 4 CONTENTS ANALYSIS BIBLIOGRAPHY 23 SKILLS AND MIGRATION COUNTRY FICHE MOROCCO | 5 ANALYSIS 1. Skills and migration overview Migration

Amnesty International English

traditionally been forbidden to cross rather than a measure to pacify protesters calling for reform in Morocco and Western Sahara. [...] The pardon of Chekib El-Khiari came as part of a wider amnesty that commuted sentences reduced to shorter terms; and five had death sentences commuted to life imprisonment (Morocco has a long-standing moratorium on executions). [...] The pardons followed a memorandum submitted

Index: MDE 29/002/2011 Date: 15 April 2011 Morocco royal pardon an encouraging step Amnesty International measure to pacify protesters calling for reform in Morocco and Western Sahara. Chekib El-Khiari had been death sentences commuted to life imprisonment (Morocco has a long-standing moratorium on executions). from two of the defendants upon their arrival to Morocco.

Amnesty International English

December 2009 AI Index: MDE 29/016/2009 Dear Aminatou, We are members of a coalition of women human rights defenders from across the globe, who are gravely concerned for your health …

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