Radio Frequency Allocation

Frequency allocation (or spectrum allocation or spectrum management) is the allocation and regulation of the electromagnetic spectrum into radio frequency bands, which is normally done by governments in most countries. Because radio propagation does not stop at national boundaries, governments have sought to harmonise the allocation of RF bands and their standardization.



World Bank Group · 16 July 2024 English

Submarine cables enable international connectivity and are essential for high-speed internet access. This paper tests their potential to improve the affordability of internet access by supporting a price drop through …

intercomandat Spectrum: Entity in charge of radio frequency allocation and assignment spectrummandat Entity

World Bank Group · 19 January 2024 English

Equitable access to broadband services is imperative to narrow the digital divide and for more people to benefit from digitalization. Compared to other ASEAN countries, the Philippines' internet connectivity lags …

service is published in the National Radio Frequency Allocation Table (NRFAT). Telecommunications liberalization

NATO Stratcom Centre of Excellence · 2023 English

authorities (sometimes in charge of radio-frequency allocation), and even the courts and tribunals

EU: European Union · 22 July 2022 English

II, paragraph 6 states: ‘a holder of radio frequency allocation for nationwide networks in the DVB-T

FAS: Federation of American Scientists · 2022 English

agencies with managing and coordinating radio frequency allocation and usage for federal and nonfederal

CEPS: Center for European Policy Studies · 20 July 2021 English

A suitable approach to the governance of desirable objective, the Working Group asked how data spaces, the regulation of AI, the speedy and far the various modes of connectivity in …

climate-neutral highly 2. Smart policies for radio frequency allocation, secure edge nodes2 [will be] deployed

CEPS: Center for European Policy Studies · 10 June 2021 English

It sectors and value chains that the Commission has started emerged quite clearly that the resilience of the Union is to adopt as a way to ‘read’ the European economy, …

network, with all 2. Smart policies for radio frequency allocation, populated areas covered by 5G. The latter

ADBI: Asian Development Bank Institute · 22 March 2021 English

Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Leaving No Country Behind Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic Leaving No Country Behind The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) is …

national standards, such as differences in radio frequency allocation by national Digital literacy, which comprises

EU: European Union · 10 March 2021 English

measures, such as the harmonisation of radio frequency allocation. Under Article 4(3) of the decision,

EU: European Union · 10 March 2021 English

measures, such as the harmonisation of radio frequency allocation. Under Article 4(3) of the decision,

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