Tax Incentives

A tax holiday is a temporary reduction or elimination of a tax. It is synonymous with tax abatement, tax subsidy or tax reduction. Governments usually create tax holidays as incentives for business investment. Tax relief can be provided in the form of property tax concessions to assure the investment of new businesses or the retention of existing ones. Tax holidays have been granted by governments at national, sub-national, and local levels, and have included income, property, sales, VAT, and other taxes. Some tax holidays are extra-statutory concessions, where governing bodies grant a reduction in tax that is not necessarily authorized …



IMF: International Monetary Fund · 18 July 2024 English

Selected Issues

the Development of Federal Financial Aid and Tax Incentives for the Years 2021 to 2024,” September 6.

Cato Institute · 17 July 2024 English

With numerous provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 set to expire next year and renewed attention to the ballooning federal debt, U.S. lawmakers on the left …

corporate tax rates are able to offer larger tax incentives because the tax incentive serves to reduce

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 17 July 2024 English

IISD provides insights on aspects of World Trade Organization (WTO) members' plastics that have created friction with trading partners and suggests recommendations for the adoption of such policies in the …

others consisted of bans or prohibitions (four), tax incentives (two), and other types of measures, such as products or imports of solid waste products, tax incentives for recycling, and broader strategies for addressing

UNDP: United Nations Development Programme · 17 July 2024 English

The G7 Leaders’ Summit in June 2024 welcomed the Italian Presidency’s decision to establish the AI Hub for Sustainable Development, in collaboration with UNDP. As affirmed in the G7 Leaders’ …

private entities. These policies may include tax incentives, streamlined permit processes, and access

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 16 July 2024 English

minimum tax on special economic zones, offering comprehensive guidance for governments to reform tax incentives and ensure these zones attract high-quality, sustainable investments. It emphasizes the need

...................3 3.0 Design and Use of Tax Incentives in SEZs .................................. ............................ 7 3.1 Type of Tax Incentives Used in SEZs ............................. ..........7 3.2 Effectiveness of Corporate Tax Incentives in SEZs .................................. 10 5.0 Legal Considerations for Reforming Tax Incentives in SEZs .................................. .18 List of Tables Table 1. How common SEZ tax incentives may be impacted by GloBE .................

World Bank Group · 15 July 2024 English

This manual is a contribution to the rich body of literature on tax expenditures and aim to inform policymakers and policy debates on tax expenditures reform. In doing so, it …

OECD, and UN) on Tax produced a guidance on tax incentives reform in 2015, presenting options for low-income low-income countries to use tax incentives for investment effectively and efficiently. The guidance is several publications on tax incentives, produced a guidance on tax incentives in the context of GMT (OECD 2022), highlighting implications for the tax incentives. Several capacity building initiatives were .......................... 22 Value-Added Tax incentives ..........................................

ISIS Malaysia: Institute of Strategic and International Studies Malaysia · 15 July 2024 English

The lack of policy coherence and the existence of legal loopholes create an environment of uncertainty, undermining the reliability and credibility of such initiatives in the eyes of these key …

incentive-based mechanisms, such as financial schemes and tax incentives, demonstrate a softer approach to affecting

World Bank Group · 15 July 2024

This manual is a contribution to the rich body of literature on tax expenditures and aim to inform policymakers and policy debates on tax expenditures reform. In doing so, it …

IDEAS: Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs · 12 July 2024 English

The subsequent pandemic, the supply chain bottlenecks that followed, as well as the impact of the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, have almost entirely upended our traditional understanding …

in February, TSMC to Benefit from Historic Tax Incentives. TrendForce. takes-effect-in-february-tsmc-to-benefit-from-historic-tax-incentives/ Ulybina, D. and Rastogi, C. (2024). Global -in-february-tsmc-to-benefit-from-historic-tax-incentives/ -in-february-tsmc-to-benefit-from-historic-tax-incentives/ (February 2023) Brief Ideas Brief IDEAS No. 40 -Tax Incentives for Political Donations: Lessons for Malaysia

IMF: International Monetary Fund · 12 July 2024

ones that deter pensions funds and insurers from investing in VC, combined with well-designed tax incentives for R&D investments could help accelerate the development of the VC sector. These and other

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