
Uganda (Yuganda in Ugandan languages), officially the Republic of Uganda (Swahili: Jamhuri ya Uganda), is a landlocked country in East Africa. The country is bordered to the east by Kenya, to the north by South Sudan, to the west by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, to the south-west by Rwanda, and to the south by Tanzania. The southern part of the country includes a substantial portion of Lake Victoria, shared with Kenya and Tanzania.



SUN: Scaling Up Nutrition · 11 July 2022 English

Report: S O.1 Strengthen and sustain strong policy and advocacy environments eastern-africa/uganda The Uganda Nutrition Acti. [...] Finance for nutrition Resource mobilization strategy exists SO.3 Build in Uganda About: Accountability for joint planning, reviews and multisectoral meetings is through the annual Nutrition Forum, the high- level platform of the Office of the Prime Minister and Uganda Nutrition

2021 SUN COUNTRY PROFILE Uganda Joined Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement: March 2011 National multi-stakeholder iles/africa/ environments eastern-africa/uganda The Uganda Nutrition Action Plan II (UNAP II) coordination nutrition plan popularized and put into action. Uganda Nutrition Action Plan II 2020–2025 – https://scalingupnutrition SO.2 Develop and align shared country priorities accountability Title: Nutrition capacity-building in Uganda About: Accountability for joint planning, reviews

SUN: Scaling Up Nutrition · 3 October 2019 English

the SUN Movement seeks to catalyze change and deliver nutrition impact. [...] Based on the data, Uganda is progressing very well, with strong Joined the SUN Movement in 2011 performance on the enabling Framework and Lists of Indicators, including definitions and data sources, is available at . [...] Uganda Enabling Environment As stakeholders from different sectors come together to build an enabling environment

COUNTRY DASHBOARD 2019 Uganda The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability FOR UGANDA 80% 54% 72% 67% 38% 75% 68% 65% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Median for SUN countries Uganda Data Data for Uganda are available for 79/85 (93%) MEAL indicators, with most covering the timeframe 2015-2018 2015-2018. Based on the data, Uganda is progressing very well, with strong Joined the SUN Movement in 2011 based on data availability. Uganda Enabling Environment As stakeholders from different

SUN: Scaling Up Nutrition · 30 April 2019 English

the SUN Movement seeks to catalyze change and deliver nutrition impact. [...] Based on the data, Uganda is progressing very well, with strong Joined the SUN Movement in 2011 performance on the enabling Framework and Lists of Indicators, including definitions and data sources, is available at . [...] Uganda Enabling Environment As stakeholders from different sectors come together to build an enabling environment

COUNTRY DASHBOARD 2018 Uganda The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability FOR UGANDA 80% 54% 70% 67% 38% 75% 75% 65% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Median for SUN countries Uganda Data Data for Uganda are available for 79/85 (93%) MEAL indicators, with most covering the timeframe 2014-2018 2014-2018. Based on the data, Uganda is progressing very well, with strong Joined the SUN Movement in 2011 based on data availability. Uganda Enabling Environment As stakeholders from different

Amnesty International English

in Pabbo’s Camp for internally displaced people, 24 kilometres from the town of Gulu in northern Uganda. [...] The LRA has abducted thousands of women and girls over the course of a nineteen-year conflict

Violence against women in Northern Uganda by Richard Lough and Euan Denholm Index: AFR 59/001/2005 24 kilometres from the town of Gulu in northern Uganda. She spent over four years in captivity before bush.” Allegations of sexual abuse in northern Uganda are not confined to within the LRA. Uganda’s army infected with HIV. The conflict in the north of Uganda has forced 80% of the region’s population to flee come forward and their suffering goes unnoticed. Uganda lacks specific laws that provide women with any

OSSREA: Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa · 1 January 1999 English

The first paper, The Conceptual Framework for Poverty Analysis and Reduction in Zambia, argues that poverty analysis and reduction in Zambia is generally misconceived because of lack of adequate understanding …

Workshop on Poverty and Environment in Uganda.   Report of Uganda National Workshop.       Table of Contents  from Botswana, Somalia, Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Swaziland, Nigeria and South Africa, at certificate

ActionAid International · 9 December 2020 English

spending in the budget. [...] Uganda • These overall low shares also lead to very low is far from this (see Figure 1 and 2 for historical data over spending per pupil - Uganda has one of the lowest per time18) of government funding to education in Uganda at 10.9%.20. [...] In 2018, the World Bank estimated that to already be one of the lowest tax and public social Uganda loses around 3% of GDP to both tax corporate

UGANDA FACTSHEET December 2020 Financing the future: delivering SDG 4 in Uganda Progress on meeting SDG disabilities can access education.7 education for all. • Uganda achieved gender parity on enrolment into primary secondary education. With just a decade to go, how is Uganda doing of staying on and completing school, especially in school are comprised of 53% boys compared 8 • Uganda has made good strides in access at primary to 47% of all children (43%) complete primary school.2 Uganda has one of the highest school dropout • There is

SUN: Scaling Up Nutrition · 16 August 2018 English

Rt Hon Speaker with stakeholders additional resources for the of Parliament of the event Republic Uganda 3. [...] Improve data use Establishment of the A proposal for the European Commission with and evidence

Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform UGANDA Report UGANDA About the 2018 Joint-Assessment We invite Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform UGANDA Report To generate input to the report, the participants Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform UGANDA Report PROCESS 1: Bringing people together in the Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform UGANDA Report and school hunger were prioritised for immediate documented during the period May 2017-April 2018 ;  Uganda DNCC initiative approach achievements and Lessons

Amnesty International English

It does not appe m a a r i , n. h p o u w r e p v o e s r e , o t f h. …

SUDAN • Moyo • West Nile Arua Acholi Gulu UGANDA Karamoja ZAIRE Lango Masinth Soroti Hoima 1 Easton Street London WC1X 8DJ United Kingdom UGANDA: EVIDENCE OF TORTURE Introduction For the past systematic use of torture against detainees in Uganda. Those most at risk are civilians unlawfully imprisoned detentions b the army and NASA Political detainees in Uganda fall into two categories: those detained in civil south-western Uganda and at Ihungu in Masindi in the Bunyoro region of north-western Uganda. Others are

Amnesty International English

have committed during the longstanding conflict between the LRA and the government’s forces, – the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces. [...] He was charged under the provisions of the Geneva Conventions Act rights to fair treatment. [...] Amnesty International has repeatedly called on the government of Uganda to fulfil its obligations under international law to investigate and prosecute all crimes committed

accountability for crimes committed in northern Uganda conflict Amnesty International is concerned victims of human rights violations in the northern Uganda conflict. The five-judge panel held that Thomas between the LRA and the government’s forces, – the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces. The state has not yet committed throughout the conflict in northern Uganda. Killings, rapes, sexual slavery, abductions of International has repeatedly called on the government of Uganda to fulfil its obligations under international law

UNU WIDER: United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research · 2 June 2014 English

The sampling design consisted of a three-stage stratified sampling, with parishes selected at the first stage, sub-parishes at the intermediate stage, and households at the last stage. [...] The information …

Uganda Sources: Jain 1975
 WB Uganda 1995, Table A7 on p. 85
 World Bank Poverty Monitoring Database Squire, World Bank 2004
 Uganda National HH Survey 2009-10, pg 85,pg 94, Uganda 2012 Statistical Abstract rents. The following equivalent scale is used in WB Uganda (1995):
 An adult equivalent scale giving all the survey is used by Deininger & Squire (2004), WB Uganda (1995) and World Bank Poverty Monitoring Database aggregate. The adult equivalence scale used by WB Uganda (1995) is the same as in 1989. National Household

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