
Vegetation is an assemblage of plant species and the ground cover they provide. It is a general term, without specific reference to particular taxa, life forms, structure, spatial extent, or any other specific botanical or geographic characteristics. It is broader than the term flora which refers to species composition. Perhaps the closest synonym is plant community, but vegetation can, and often does, refer to a wider range of spatial scales than that term does, including scales as large as the global. Primeval redwood forests, coastal mangrove stands, sphagnum bogs, desert soil crusts, roadside weed patches, wheat fields, cultivated gardens and …



Australian Energy Market Operator · 2 September 2024 English

The estimated capital cost of this option is approximately $19.16 million and there are not expected to be any additional annual routine operating costs (i.e., the cost under the option …

minimum distance between the ‘wire’ and any land, vegetation or infrastructure around it. This ensures that

EU: European Union · 29 August 2024 English

The Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, aligned with the European Green Deal, emphasizes five pillars: climate action, circular economy, biodiversity, pollution control, and sustainable food systems. Soil condition is …

agriculture with signif- icant areas of natural vegetation 102 10 311 Broad-leaved forest 244 24 agriculture with signif- icant areas of natural vegetation 102 10 311 Broad-leaved forest 244 24 Natural grasslands 42 4.1 323 Sclerophyllous vegetation 15 1.5 324 Transitional woodland-shrub is also related to the relief conditions and vegetation cover. Leptosols are not cultivated because fine-grained material. Parent materials, climate, vegetation and topography are factors of soil formation

World Bank Group · 29 August 2024 English

This paper examines the impact of refugee camp hosting on local communities, specifically the Rohingya crisis in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. It uses remote sensing measurements and panel data to compare …

Jamon Van Den Hoek and Stijn van Weezel. 2020. “Vegetation Changes Attributable to Refugees in Africa Coincide by high values of vegetation indices such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) or Enhanced Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), indicating vigor- ous and dense vegetation. (iv) Grassland refers to vegetated dominated by grasses, herbs, and other non-woody vegetation, typically with sparse to moderate tree cover by high values of vegetation indices such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) or Enhanced

Australian Energy Market Operator · 28 August 2024 English

In accordance with the Rules and the AER RIT-T guidelines, the purpose of this PADR is to set out the detailed cost- benefit analysis of the credible options for addressing …

following:  Site establishment which includes vegetation removal where needed, and creation of access

World Bank Group · 28 August 2024

Policies for Pr otection and Recovery of Na tive Vegetation Posterior Solicitação de Cot ações Open - National Policies for Pr otection and Recovery of Na tive Vegetation Posterior Seleção Baseada no Menor Custo Open Policies for Pr otection and Recovery of Na tive Vegetation Posterior Seleção Baseada no Menor Custo Open

World Bank Group · 28 August 2024 English

Governorate is distinguished by the abundance of vegetation covering its surface, which remains evergreen evergreen throughout most seasons of the year. The vegetation includes many perennial trees such as acacia and sparse vegetation (40%), within 16 kilometers by bare soil (60%) and sparse vegetation (39%), and 80 kilometers by bare soil (58%) and sparse vegetation (27%). Solar Energy This section discusses and disposal during end of life. ● Removal of vegetation Social Risk and Impacts: ● Lack of worker’s

World Bank Group · 28 August 2024 English

(v) risks of habitat loss due to clearing of vegetation for the construction of towers and stringing

RAND Corporation · 28 August 2024 English

Natural hazards pose an ongoing threat to Department of the Air Force (DAF) installations and the enabling infrastructure that supports DAF missions. The authors of this report describe an approach …

fire season, flash drought frequency, unmanaged vegetation, and likelihood of ignition.37 For five hazards—Flooding

World Bank Group · 28 August 2024 English

above sea level and are typically covered in vegetation and lined with springs and seasonal streams.

World Bank Group · 28 August 2024 English

(v) risks of habitat loss due to clearing of vegetation for the construction of towers and stringing

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