Work Programme

The Work Programme (WP) was a UK government welfare-to-work programme introduced in Great Britain in June 2011. It was the flagship welfare-to-work scheme of the 2010–2015 UK coalition government. Under the Work Programme the task of getting the long-term unemployed into work was outsourced to a range of public sector, private sector and third sector organisations. The scheme replaced a range of schemes which existed under previous New Labour governments including Employment Zones, New Deal, Flexible New Deal and the now abolished Future Jobs Fund scheme which aimed to tackle youth unemployment. Despite being the flagship welfare-to-work scheme of the …



EU: European Union · 29 August 2024 English

implementation of sectoral support under the 2021 work programme. The 2022-2024 multiannual programme has just 2023 refers to the implementation of the 2021 work programme. The effectiveness of the 2022-2024 multiannual

AU: African Union · 29 August 2024 English

§ Work closely with the Partnerships Management and Resources Mobilization directorate and the project implementation units (PIU) to provide technical oversight on the implementation of the project. [...] § Provide …

Develop and oversee implementation of an overall work programme for the Project. § Responsible for the day-to-day Develop and oversee implementation of an overall work programme for the Project. § Responsible for the day-to-day

EU: European Union · 28 August 2024 English

Article 106(4)(d) of the European Border and Coast Guard Regulation (hereinafter: ‘Regulation (EU) 2019/1896’ or ‘the Regulation’) stipulates that each year the Executive Director shall prepare the consolidated annual activity …

grade) ATO Authorisation to Operate AWP Annual Work Programme BA Baseline Assessment BoMIC Border Management

EU: European Union · 28 August 2024 German

the financing of multimedia actions and the work programme for 2021, which discontinues the current agreement

EU: European Union · 27 August 2024 English

The Executive Summary presents key findings from the “Innovative Europe” evaluation study, supporting the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe. The study assesses the extent to which interventions and actions supporting …

geopolitical challenges than the main Horizon Europe work programme due to its annual nature (e.g. support to synergies, requiring detailed planning at the work programme stage. A shared vision is crucial for synergy

EU: European Union · 27 August 2024 English

This is a supporting annex to the Innovative Europe evaluation study which presents the support to innovation provided by the EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme - Horizon Europe. This …

Decision C(2021) 1510 of 17 March 2021, EIC Work Programme 2021, ( triennial-work-programme-2015-2017; triennial-work-programme-2016-2018 Interregional innovation analysis Horizon Europe Work programme (2023-24) - European Innovation Ecosystems of objectives and budget established by the work programme in relation to the portfolio of actions concerned4” presented in the first fully-fledged EIC’s Work Programme, i.e., the 2021 WP, which describes the EIC

EU: European Union · 27 August 2024 English

Innovative Europe under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme encompasses activities designed to accelerate the development of cutting-edge technologies and market-creating innovations, empowering European SMEs and start-ups to become world-leading companies. …

which consumes almost half of the budget of the work programme. • The European Institute of Innovation streamlining these resources into a single work programme. It backed over 430 projects on Future and intermediaries), investors and policymakers. The EIE work programme (EIE WP), is one of the newest elements within as one of the central components of the main Work Programme of Horizon Europe and covered the two last financial instruments under Access to Risk Finance Work Programme and the COSME programme as well as Eurostars-2

EU: European Union · 26 August 2024 English

This report presents the findings and conclusions of the second phase, on Horizon Europe, of the evaluation study on the European Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation for addressing Global …

complex societal transition processes, the work programme design at the Commission level now takes a portfolio approach to designing and managing the work programme, for which regular Cluster meetings with policy the Partnerships could be further improved in work programme preparation in terms of consistent communications Reference TRL Technology Readiness Level WP work programme ZEWT Zero-emission waterborne transport18

EU: European Union · 26 August 2024 English

This report presents the findings and conclusions of the second phase, on Horizon Europe, of the evaluation study on the European Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation for addressing Global …

complex societal transition processes, the work programme design at the Commission level now takes a portfolio approach to designing and managing the work programme, for which regular Cluster meetings with policy the Partnerships could be further improved in work programme preparation in terms of consistent communications

EU: European Union · 26 August 2024 English

This evaluation report is part of the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe activities related to the Green Transition. It presents the assessment of the Institutionalised European Partnership Europe’s Rail (EU-Rail) …

Indicators in relation with the FPs. Source: WORK PROGRAMME 2022-2024 Draft Amendment n°2 adopted by the in the Call for Proposals 2022-1 within the Work Programme 2022-202427a minimum amount of in-kind contributions 2023 received from EC 27 From the ammended Work Programme 2022-2024 (P. 104 onwards) AWP_2022_AMEMDMENT_final_20220909 of the SBA, the Governing Board adopts the work programme and corresponding expenditure estimates, the

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