
Zimbabwe, officially the Republic of Zimbabwe, is a landlocked country located in Southeast Africa, between the Zambezi and Limpopo Rivers, bordered by South Africa to the south, Botswana to the south-west, Zambia to the north, and Mozambique to the east. The capital and largest city is Harare. The second largest city is Bulawayo.



SAIIA: South African Institute of International Affairs · 1 November 1984 English

This background briefing describes the situation in Zimbabwe with regard to the socialist politics of Prime Minister Mugabe, whose scientific socialism is moderated by practical constraints like the role agriculture, and its relations with South Africa. This presents a bleak picture of prospects for Zimbabwe, which has similar problems to South Africa, apart from the over-riding political difference. Zimbabwe’s

7 ~ T ~ * T : • , - . „ ' • . : > . ••)'•,nu ZIMBABWE V ' " J ; > ' .: '.•' : . "•'• -.! . •••?'• • "scientific socialism1'- : in:' -y *•• > brtV ^rahsforra Zimbabwe into a t>rie' party socialist state in which ZANU Yugoslavia to be the most 'interesting models for ;"- ' Zimbabwe an develbptaent^ This preference may be partly (though his comments on western investment in Zimbabwe, referred to in Section 4 below seem to display believe that multinationals would not invest in Zimbabwe even if it-was more capitalist and western oriented

SUN: Scaling Up Nutrition · 30 April 2019 English

the SUN Movement seeks to catalyze change and deliver nutrition impact. [...] Based on the data, Zimbabwe is progressing very well with Joined the SUN Movement in 2011 strong performance in the enabling prevalence of anaemia, (INFORM 2019) overweight/obesity, diabetes and hypertension among women. [...] Zimbabwe Enabling Environment As stakeholders from different sectors come together to build an enabling environment

COUNTRY DASHBOARD 2018 Zimbabwe The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability all forms of malnutrition. LATEST PROGRESS FOR ZIMBABWE 89% 50% 53% 83% 53% 50% 63% 70% 0% 20% 40% 60% 60% 80% 100% Median for SUN countries Zimbabwe Data for Zimbabwe are available for 76/85 (89%) MEAL indicators covering the timeframe 2014-2018. Based on the data, Zimbabwe is progressing very well with Joined the SUN Movement based on data availability. http://bit.ly/sunmeal Zimbabwe Enabling Environment As stakeholders from different

Amnesty International English

number of civic and political leaders, activists and ordinary citizens in condemning the events in Zimbabwe which have brought untold suffering to its people. [...] The ongoing political violence, suppression the failure of governance which has directly contributed to the impoverishment of the people of Zimbabwe must be addressed now. [...] The present government has brutally suppressed democratic dissent and

Africa stand up for Zimbabwe AI Index: AFR 46/027/2008 15 August 2008 We, the undersigned, stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe who continue to suffer severe violations of their ordinary citizens in condemning the events in Zimbabwe which have brought untold suffering to its people contributed to the impoverishment of the people of Zimbabwe must be addressed now. The present government We believe that the people and civil society of Zimbabwe must have the full support of the international

SUN: Scaling Up Nutrition · 3 October 2019 English

the SUN Movement seeks to catalyze change and deliver nutrition impact. [...] Based on the data, Zimbabwe is progressing very well with Joined the SUN Movement in 2011 strong performance in the enabling Framework and Lists of Indicators, including definitions and data sources, is available at . [...] Zimbabwe Enabling Environment As stakeholders from different sectors come together to build an enabling environment

COUNTRY DASHBOARD 2019 Zimbabwe The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability all forms of malnutrition. LATEST PROGRESS FOR ZIMBABWE 92% 54% 53% 83% 53% 50% 64% 75% 0% 20% 40% 60% 60% 80% 100% Median for SUN countries Zimbabwe Data for Zimbabwe are available for 76/85 (89%) MEAL indicators covering the timeframe 2014-2018. Based on the data, Zimbabwe is progressing very well with Joined the SUN Movement based on data availability. http://bit.ly/sunmeal Zimbabwe Enabling Environment As stakeholders from different

SUN: Scaling Up Nutrition · 11 July 2022 English

George Kembo, Director of the Food and Nutrition Council, Office of the President and Cabinet COUNTRY NUTRITION STATUS PROGRESS TOWARDS Annual country nutrition indicators SUN 3.0 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (SO) from …

2021 SUN COUNTRY PROFILE Zimbabwe Joined Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement: June 2011 National multi-stakeholder -profiles/africa/ environments eastern-africa/zimbabwe The National Development Strategy 2021–2025 has org/resource-library/national-multi-stakeholder-platform-zimbabwe Advocacy and Communications Strategy is in place Multisectoral Food and Nutrition Security Strategy for Zimbabwe 2019–2021 SO.2 Develop and align shared country FNS indicators identified through close multi- Zimbabwe Food and Nutrition Advocacy and Communication

Amnesty International English

l’air. [...] Le caractère discriminatoire et politisé de la distribution de l’aide alimentaire au Zimbabwe constitue depuis des années un motif de préoccupation. [...] Des dizaines de milliers d’ouvriers

2009 AU ZIMBABWE, LE TEMPS EST VENU DE RENDRE DES COMPTES L’hyperinflation a amoindri la capacité 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AU ZIMBABWE, LE TEMPS EST VENU DE RENDRE DES COMPTES DES the security forces in the violence that plagued Zimbabwe during the 2008 elections has never been investigated les événements violents qui ont ensanglanté le Zimbabwe au cours des élections de 2008. © Private 6 7 8 28 1 TIME FOR ACCOUNTABILITY IN ZIMBABWE AU ZIMBABWE, LE TEMPS EST VENU DE RENDRE DES COMPTES

Amnesty International English

Amnesty International. [...] AI Index: AFR 46/004/2004 Human rights lawyer tortured with electrodes in Zimbabwe Updated 17 March 2004 Summary Gabriel Shumba remains safely in South Africa. [...] In February 2004 [...] The police who allegedly tortured him are still to be brought to justice. [...] Police in Zimbabwe continue to commit torture without fear of legal sanction.

Human rights lawyer tortured with electrodes in Zimbabwe Updated 17 March 2004 Summary Gabriel are still to be brought to justice. Police in Zimbabwe continue to commit torture without fear of legal this action. For further information, see ['Zimbabwe: the toll of impunity' AI Index AFR 46/034/2002

AFRODAD: African Forum and Network on Debt and Development · 7 November 2019 English

domestic debt, reaching US$18 billion by December 2018. There has been evolving dynamics to debt in Zimbabwe since 1980 with a shift from the multilateral and traditional bilateral creditors to the look east role in Zimbabwe trade, finance and investment over the past few years. The Chinese share of external debt stock as of 2018 was estimated around 34 percent. This implies that China and Zimbabwe relations relations are significantly having a bearing on the debt development in Zimbabwe. The Chinese investments in Zimbabwe have been mainly in the energy and real estate sector

same gratitude to Mr. John Maketo and team of Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD) who .................................... 10 1.3 Zimbabwe Debt: The Evolving Dynamics ................. ..................... 12 1.5 The history of Zimbabwe-China relations: The Look East Policy ....... .... 27 4.1 Chinese Investment and Trade in Zimbabwe at a Glance ................................. Official Development Assistance PoZ Parliament of Zimbabwe SDG Sustainable Development Goals SIDMaF Sustainable

SAIIA: South African Institute of International Affairs · 1 January 2000 English

Following the Zimbabwe election, a number of questions concern the political and economic situation, and the role to be played by South Africa. Politically, the environment remains unpredictable. The MDC part of the problem. International investors will probably not have enough confidence to commit to Zimbabwe under his rule, but it is unclear who might replace him. Southern Africa has been characterised

16/2000 MOVE•S..JJ -7,1 Zimbabwe: Post-Election QueStrbrfs With the Zimbabwe election of 24-25 June now than 10% and the agricultural sector by 20%. The Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce noted before the since immediately after the war 20 years ago. Zimbabwe is one of South Africa's top 15 trade partners reductions for other nations: Japan's exports to Zimbabwe, for example, amounted to a total of US$61 million to cut back on investment plans because of the Zimbabwe crisis. The survey noted: 'The infringement of

SAIIA: South African Institute of International Affairs · 1 May 1991 English

This brief report looks at what Zimbabwe had achieved eleven years after independence. First of all it takes a closer look at the Constitutional changes that were implemented after Independence and then the economic development and growth achieved in the period after independence. The land problem in Zimbabwe however remains critical to the stability in the country.

INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Brief Report 8/91 ZIMBABWE: ELEVEN YEARS AFTER CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGES AND As one of the region's most important states, Zimbabwe enters its eleventh year of independence with This amendment also gave Zimbabwe a new official name, the Republic of Zimbabwe. The debate centred on Judiciary will be ensured. THE ECONOMIC REALM Zimbabwe stands on the threshold of a new era in its economic policy changes of the past eleven years. Titled "Zimbabwe - A Framework for Economic Reform - 1991-1995"

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