cover image: Supporting the introduction of Temporary Special Measures (TSMs), Guidance for UNDP Country Offices


Supporting the introduction of Temporary Special Measures (TSMs), Guidance for UNDP Country Offices

1 Nov 2023

Temporary Special Measures (TSMs) are concrete actions to reduce the gaps between men and women in economic, social, and political spheres and aim to correct past and current forms and effects of discrimination against women. This guidance note is focused on how UNDP can engage in advocacy for TSMs and is intended for UNDP Country Offices to guide advocacy for TSMs in election processes. The guidance note provides examples of good practices and lessons learned on advocacy for TSMs and draws on a range of resources, particularly from UNDP and UN Women, gathered from desk research and interviews with UNDP staff and partners.The guidance note is also informed by three accompanying country case studies, Lebanon, Ethiopia and Georgia, that provide a deeper dive into how UNDP Country Offices have engaged in the promotion of TSMs, generally as components of UNDP electoral assistance projects.
women's empowerment georgia elections governance lebanon ethiopia
Document Type
Guidance note
Published in
United States of America


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