COP28 & Climate: Comprehensive Collection

User icon Toby Green
23 November 2023
92 items

CGD: Center for Global Development · 16 November 2023 English

Suspend and reduce debt for low- and middle-income countries, including the use of innovative debt swaps and revision of SDRs: We call for the suspension and reduction of debt for …

CHRGJ: Center for Human Rights and Global Justice · 29 September 2023 English

Over the past 150-200 years, human activity has upset the fine balance in the complex web of relationships between the sun, the soil, the oceans, the rivers and other waterways, …

Global Alliance for the Future of Food · 31 October 2023 English

This report is a companion piece for the Discussion Paper “Toward Fossil Fuel–free Food: Why Collaboration between Food and Energy Systems Players Is Key.” The objective of the Discussion Paper …

UNEP: United Nations Environment Programme · 20 November 2023

As greenhouse gas emissions hit new highs, temperature records tumble and climate impacts intensify, the Emissions Gap Report 2023: Broken Record – Temperatures hit new highs, yet world fails to …

Carbon Tracker Initiative · 1 December 2023

This report, an update of our 2021 Beyond Petrostates report, finds that petrostates are facing substantial risks from the energy transition, as falling oil and gas demand is set to …

Chatham House · 28 November 2023

Humanity faces a deepening ‘land crunch’ in the coming decades, as on current trends the demand for land for farming, climate change mitigation and other essential uses will increasingly exceed …

WHH: Weltehungerhilfe · 21 November 2023

As 2023 comes to an end with the likely title of hottest year on record, the upcoming 28th World Climate Change Conference (C0P28) in Dubai takes place under particularly worrisome …