COP28 & Climate: Comprehensive Collection

User icon Toby Green
23 November 2023
92 items

Chatham House · 28 November 2023

Humanity faces a deepening ‘land crunch’ in the coming decades, as on current trends the demand for land for farming, climate change mitigation and other essential uses will increasingly exceed …

UBA: German Federal Environment Agency · 15 November 2023

Analyzing previous international and national policy processes, the study offers recommendations for leveraging the Global Stocktake’s (GST) outcomes for national climate action, especially for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). It emphasizes …

GCB: Global Carbon Budget · 6 December 2023

Global carbon emissions from fossil fuels have risen again in 2023 – reaching record levels. The annual Global Carbon Budget projects fossil carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of 36.8 billion tonnes …

DIIS: Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier · 1 November 2023

Tropical rainforests and global warming. Progress towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation shows that the rule of law is vital to protect indigenous people and local communities. Disappearing tropical …

EC: European Commission · 27 October 2023

This is the proceedings of The European Climate Stocktake held on 27 October 2023 in Brussels and online. The event brought together policymakers, climate scientists, international organisations, business, non-governmental organisations, …

Climate Overshoot Commission · 20 September 2023 French

La Commission sur le dépassement climatique a été établie en tant qu’instance indépendante, réunissant douze éminents leaders mondiaux, qui souhaitent proposer des stratégies pour atténuer les risques dans le cas …

COP28: COP28 UAE (Climate) · 10 December 2023 English

We, the National Government Participants of the Global Cooling Pledge: Commit to work together with the aim of reducing cooling-related emissions across all sectors by at least 68% globally relative …

COP28: COP28 UAE (Climate) · 10 December 2023 English

We, ministers and government officials, declare our resolve as we implement the Paris Agreement to drive gender-responsive just transitions, which strengthen all women’s and girls’ leadership and meaningful participation, decision …

UNFCCC: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change · 13 December 2023 English

Document type: Draft decisions Conference: UN Climate Change Conference - United Arab Emirates Nov/Dec 2023 Session: CMA 5 Author: UNFCCC. Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the …

COP28: COP28 UAE (Climate) · 10 December 2023 English

Participants declare their intention as follows: 1. In order to pave the way for development of a global market renewable and low-carbon hydrogen and hydrogen derivatives, the Participants seek to …