Communication Systems

Telecommunication is the transmission of information by various types of technologies over wire, radio, optical or other electromagnetic systems. It has its origin in the desire of humans for communication over a distance greater than that feasible with the human voice, but with a similar scale of expediency; thus, slow systems (such as postal mail) are excluded from the field. The transmission media in telecommunication have evolved through numerous stages of technology, from beacons and other visual signals (such as smoke signals, semaphore telegraphs, signal flags, and optical heliographs), to electrical cable and electromagnetic radiation, including light. Such transmission paths …



CAPS: Centre for Air Power Studies · 18 July 2024 English

While the DCA model envisaged the cost of the green (raw) aircraft minus the costs of maintenance and operations, the TCA model comprehensively takes into account also the cost of …

incorporating advanced avionics, advanced communication systems and self-protection suit, that enhance their

World Bank Group · 17 July 2024 English

printers, walkie-talkies).  Installing communication systems for surveillance, alert, early detection walkie-talkies).  Activity 2.1.3: Installing communication systems for surveillance, alert, early detection

ORF: Observer Research Foundation · 15 July 2024 English

Editor’s Note Military reforms have been a long pending requirement for post-Independence India. Under the Narendra Modi government in the past decade, crucial decisions were made in the defence reform …

Boat (AFIB), which has state-of-the-art communication systems, sensors, autonomous algorithms, and propulsion

APO: Asian Productivity Organization · 5 July 2024 English

It aims to scrutinize the adoption and impact of advanced technologies, such as IoT and AI, focusing on their influence on productivity, sustainability, and the diverse challenges and opportunities in …

and social interactions. This includes communication systems and advanced technologies like IoT, 5G,

ERIA: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN & East Asia · 3 July 2024 English

ERIA Research Project Report FY2024, No. 04

exercises aimed at enhancing such skills as communication, systems thinking, social surveys, and data analysis

World Bank Group · 27 June 2024 English

Starting in the late 1990s, digitally advanced countries began developing comprehensive strategies and implementing vital regulations to safeguard national infrastructure against the perpetual escalation of malicious cyber operations. This policy …

governance Korea’s dependence on information and communication systems has gradually increased in the 2000s with

World Bank Group · 26 June 2024 English

This policy note aims to outline the importance and provide empirical evidence on the conditions and risks associated with green, resilient, inclusive, and learning-oriented spaces in Brazilian schools. Measuring these …

students and staff. Additionally, reliable communication systems can facilitate the timely dissemination

MP-IDSA: Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses · 25 June 2024 English

Meanwhile, the construction of motion an ad hoc governance the Karakoram Highway and the arrangement under the control of a efforts of international NGOs exposed joint secretary of government of …

culture initiatives, AKDN has set high communication systems, making it standards with thoughtfully designed

IADB: Inter-American Development Bank · 25 June 2024 Spanish

La presente nota técnica tiene como objetivo presentar el estudio de un Sistema de Alerta Temprana (SAT), usando las ciencias del comportamiento y la metodología “nudge” aplicado en cinco comunidades …

systems-Ecuador. 2. Tsunamis-Ecuador. 3. Emergency communication systems-Ecuador. 4. Psychology-Ecuador. I. Peñaherrera-León

World Bank Group · 25 June 2024 English

response teams, (ii) emergency contacts and communication systems/protocols (including communication with

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