
Parapsychology is the study of alleged psychic phenomena (extrasensory perception, as in telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, a.k.a. telekinesis, and psychometry) and other paranormal claims, for example related to near-death experiences, synchronicity, apparitional experiences, etc. It is considered to be pseudoscience by a vast majority of mainstream scientists, in part because, in addition to a lack of replicable empirical evidence, parapsychological claims simply cannot be true "unless the rest of science isn't."Parapsychology research almost never appears in mainstream science journals. Most papers about parapsychology are published in a small number of niche journals. Parapsychology has been criticised for continuing investigation despite …



PILAR: Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar · 5 July 2023 English

Petersburg (Russia) Trajectories of Socialist Thought in the Autobiographies Papers: Olga Dovbysh, U of Helsinki (Finland) of Two Terrorists in the Russian Empire" "Environmental Journalism in Russia Before and After …

Institutional Culture 14-30 Prisons, Peasants, and Parapsychology: Anarchism and/in of Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia" Chair: Kenneth Slepyan, Transylvania U and the Parapsychology of Social Class" Papers: Esther Meier, German

CLD: Centre for Law and Democracy · 31 October 2022 English

i Analysis of the 2022 Azerbaijan Law on Media Executive Summary This Analysis of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Media” (Media Law) by the Centre for Law …

lack of impartiality (Article 14.1.11), on parapsychology (Article 14.1.12), and on protecting children

SSI: Strategic Studies Institute · 26 August 2022 English

They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, and peripheral nervous system, the signals sent from the cortex region of the brain to other …

control processes; the use of psychotronics, parapsychology, bioenergy, bio fields, and psychoenergy;[14]

Theos Think Tank · 20 April 2022 English

3 This phrase is used throughout (instead of fundamentalist) to denote those respondents who agreed that the Bible [or the Qur’an] is “the actual word of God and to be …

gerontology, mathematics, medicine, natural sciences, parapsychology, physics, psychology, and psychiatry. 23 1

IAP: InterAcademy Partnership · 11 March 2022 English

Some commentators argue that the economic waste of predatory publishing is a drop in the ocean compared to research waste through poor design or procurement, but this misses a vital …

the inclusion of ‘quasi-science’ papers e.g. parapsychology, which is a scientific judgement; article processing

OSCE: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe · 24 February 2022 English

This provision is recommended to be amended and adapted to the series of requirements and language incorporated into the Recommendation R(2000)7 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of …

protection of health and the environment, and parapsychology (psychics, mediums, etc.), superstition or protection of health and the environment, and parapsychology (psychics, mediums, etc.), superstition or

26 March 2021 English

The Best of Everything (1959) A bit trashy and melodramatic, the film depicts career women in the late Eisenhower era; stars Joan Crawford as the consummate bitter executive (Amanda Farrow …

this supernatural cult classic - three former parapsychology professors set up shop as a unique ghost removal

BESA: Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies · 21 December 2020 English

Deputy Secretary of Defense David Norquist approved the establishment of the multi-agency UAPTF, which is to be led by the Navy under the “cognizance” of the Under Secretary of Defense …

The Pentagon’s UAP Task Force Soviet use of parapsychology in which KGB defector Kokolov reported such

MPIDR: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research · 28 November 2020 English

The scope of the series spans the entire field of demography, with a view to significantly advance research. [...] Open Access This book is licensed under the terms of the …

devoted his life to the scientific study of parapsychology and paranormal 11 Centenarians, Semi-supercentenarians

RAND Corporation · 27 July 2020 English

In this Perspective, the authors urge strategists to consider a new concept for U.S. grand strategy— noopolitik , which focuses on

the Noosphere. (Nelson, undated) Mostly a parapsychology experiment, the GCP deployed engineering devices

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