Weather Modification

Weather modification (also known as weather control) is the act of intentionally manipulating or altering the weather. The most common form of weather modification is cloud seeding, which increases rain or snow, usually for the purpose of increasing the local water supply. Weather modification can also have the goal of preventing damaging weather, such as hail or hurricanes, from occurring; or of provoking damaging weather against the enemy, as a tactic of military or economic warfare like Operation Popeye, where clouds were seeded to prolong the monsoon in Vietnam. Weather modification in warfare has been banned by the United Nations …



ORF: Observer Research Foundation · 30 April 2024 English

Introduction Harsh V. Pant and Kalpit A. Mankikar As two critical nodes in the Asian power structure, India and China have had a complex relationship characterised by phases of cooperation …

India’s water security to some extent. Weather modification infrastructure: China has established 500

RTI International · 28 March 2024 English

PUE companies must create awareness of the technology, find the customers with the ability to pay (for agricultural value chains, customers are mostly in a geographically dispersed rural area), showcase …

Luxury goods and gambling equipment f. Weather modification equipment g. Restricted goods The following

UN: The United Nations · 26 February 2024 English

11 p.

civil and criminal sanctions; applying weather modification technology; and providing support for provincial

PIK: Potsdam-Institut fur Klimafolgenforschung · 24 January 2024 English

is modifying the atmospheric water cycle, via land use, climate change, air pollution, and weather modification. Given the implications of this, we present a theoretical framing of atmospheric water as 'common-pool’ (rival, non-excludable) or 'club’ (non-rival, excludable). Moreover, advancements in weather modification presage water becoming a 'private’ good (i.e. rival, excludable). In this research, we explore

use, cli- mate change, air pollution, and weather modification. Historically, atmospheric water was implicitly air pollution, and more recently also via weather modification. Land-use changes directly affect evaporation popularly known as ENMOD, was intended to ban weather modification for warfare (Bonnheim, 2010; Wunsch, 1980) and China passed its first national law on weather modification in 2002 (Chien et al., 2017). Nevertheless understanding of the potentially diverse sources of weather modification, and the asso- ciated policy discourse.

EU: European Union · 16 January 2024 English

Since the 1960s, when the concept was used for the first time, the notion of geoengineering has evolved considerably, and now covers a very wide spectrum of methods and technologies. …

term with regional/global impact - and weather modification - shorter term with more lim- ited effects sometimes used interchangeably. In some cases, weather modification is considered as a subcategory of geoengineering resulted in the shutdown of the military weather modification programme. Expanding the hybrid toolbox: common practice. Already in 2002, the “Weather Modification Administrative Regulation” described the

WHO: World Health Organization · 2024 English

climatological and geophysical (BMKG) is conducting Weather Modification Technology in districts in Central Java

UI: Utrikespolitiska Institutet · 2024 English

used at scale (Möller, 2019:2), as well as weather modification used to stimulate rain in locations such it rain: Cloud seeding, the controversial weather modification technique. Le Monde. Available via: https://www t-rain- cloud-seeding-the-controversial-weather-modification-technique_6093144_114.html. Accessed: 19042024

WMO: World Meteorological Organisation · 29 November 2023 English

6 Gilbert Brunet, former Chair of the WWRP Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) covered the following points: • The use of the Global Diagnostic Research Programme to influence the WMO agenda, …

new URBAN project. 19 3.5 Expert Team on Weather Modification Research (WxMOD ET) Andrea Flossmann Andrea group, planning a Weather modification workshop − A survey about weather modification to all members of activity could include ethical issues in weather modification, as well as communication of uncertainties FLOSSMANN, Andrea Co-Chair, Expert Team on Weather Modification 4. Guests Tea/coffee break 1100–1120 Expert Team on Weather Modification (WxMOD ET) See presentation here. 1120–1140

RAND Corporation · 14 November 2023 English

In this Perspective, space researchers at the RAND Corporation identify space sustainability, security, and governance concepts that they believe are worthy of future research. Each concept reflects a topic that …

could be used for geoengineering (e.g., weather modification)118 to place it in a position to take the

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