
Cameroon (French: Cameroun), officially the Republic of Cameroon (French: République du Cameroun), is a country in west-central Africa. It is bordered by Nigeria to the west and north; Chad to the northeast; the Central African Republic to the east; and Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and the Republic of the Congo to the south. Its coastline lies on the Bight of Biafra, part of the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean.



SUN: Scaling Up Nutrition · 11 July 2022 English

aligning it with the new National Development Strategy) Advocacy and communications framework/plan S O.2 Develop and align shared country priorities for action The existing draft needs to be aligned with …

2021 SUN COUNTRY PROFILE Cameroon Joined Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement: February 2013 National and sustain strong policy and advocacy africa/cameroon environments The Multisectoral Framework for Nutrition Strategy 2020–2030. MSP annual action plan exists Cameroon is on track to achieve its stunting goals, with org/resources/nutrition-profiles/africa/middle-africa/cameroon/ org/resources/nutrition-profiles/africa/middle-africa/cameroon/

SUN: Scaling Up Nutrition · 3 October 2019 English

the SUN Movement seeks to catalyze change and deliver nutrition impact. [...] Based on the data, Cameroon is making progress across Joined the SUN Movement in 2013 most of the MEAL domains, with moderate Framework and Lists of Indicators, including definitions and data sources, is available at . [...] Cameroon Enabling Environment As stakeholders from different sectors come together to build an enabling environment

COUNTRY DASHBOARD 2019 Cameroon The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability all forms of malnutrition. LATEST PROGRESS FOR CAMEROON 48% 17% 52% 67% 55% 50% 57% 65% 0% 20% 40% 60% 60% 80% 100% Median for SUN countries Cameroon Data for Cameroon are available for 73/85 (86%) MEAL indicators covering the timeframe 2014-2018. Based on the data, Cameroon is making progress across Joined the SUN Movement based on data availability. Cameroon Enabling Environment As stakeholders from different

SUN: Scaling Up Nutrition · 30 October 2014 English

The analysis of existing texts on nutrition has been The multi-stakeholder platform is in the development completed and shows that nutrition is well integrated stage, the focal point has been …

Cameroon Joined: February 2013 Stunting Reduction Trend and Target 70% 60% 50% Demographic data Current a shared space for action and legal framework Cameroon joined the SUN Movement in March 2013. The analysis is complete. There is currently finalized, but Cameroon has already indicated that it would no system Compendium 2014 178 Progress Across Four SUN Processes Cameroon 20131 and 20142 Scoring of Progress Markers 4%

ACAPS · 21 January 2020 English

elections is likely to reduce access to displaced Cameroon government’s attempt to play down the severity of the humanitarian populations both in Cameroon and in Nigeria. [...] The warnings for humanitarian associated with delivering disrupt humanitarian activities in the Northwest and Southwest (Journal du Cameroon humanitarian assistance to the area. [...] Health Aggravating factors The closure of over 40% of

CAMEROON Escalation of the Anglophone crisis Short note – 21 January 2020 Situation Overview Map of Cameroon Cameroon Parliamentary and municipal elections scheduled for February 9 2020 are intensifying an escalation escalation of the Anglophone crisis in Cameroon. On 7 January 2020, fighters from the Ambazonian separatist separatist group burned down the Elections Cameroon (ELECAM) office in Misaje commune, Donga Mantung division division in Northwest region (Journal du Cameroon 08/01/2020). The action was to reiterate their earlier decision

SUN: Scaling Up Nutrition · 27 November 2018 English

Governmental mobilised under the national investment budget line dedicated to nutrition. [...] ORG/CAMEROON • Create a budget for the operational plan and • Organisation of a national workshop on chronic

Joined: February 2013 Population: 24.05 million Cameroon Under five 31.7 Under five 5.2 Under five 6.7 44% 2018–2019 PRIORITIES SCALINGUPNUTRITION.ORG/CAMEROON • Create a budget for the operational plan and Report Foreword Country index List of abbreviations

ACAPS · 31 July 2017 English

Health As of May 2017, a 91% increase in WASH needs has been noted in Mobbar and 80% in Secondary healthcare and referral services is a big challenge for the …

Report – 31 July 2017 The return of refugees from Cameroon, Niger, and Chad has put increased pressure on from Cameroon. More than 4,500 of the returnees have been relocated to RETURNEES FROM CAMEROON, CHAD in their The influx of returning refugees from Cameroon, Chad, and Niger to Borno state mainly home towns including returning refugees. Returnees from Cameroon also report hearing rumours that aid will be stopped to which people are being 5,224 returnees from Cameroon. By June, the number of Nigerian refugees returning

Fern · 22 July 2021 English

concessions. [...] The Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) is made up of members of the Government of Cameroon and the EU, with occasional and invited participation of members of the CNS. [...] The Joint Implementation

material: research and notes from interviews 1 Cameroon Cameroon’s main deforestation drivers are (i) revealing large scale illegal timber trade between Cameroon and Vietnam. EIA and CED recommended that the it was not fit for purpose. The Government of Cameroon does not agree with this assessment. Provisions years and accountability in the forest sector in Cameroon is problematic and weak. In the absence of a functioning hampered by on-going conflict in the South West of Cameroon that started in 2017. Policy, legal, institutional

ACAPS · 1 June 2015 English

failure to maintain control over in January 2015, led by Chad and including forces from Niger and Cameroon. [...] The State of Emergency expired in November 2014 after the Nigerian The region is composed

Note: Displacement in Cameroon Briefing Note – 01 June 2015 Key Findings Cameroon Displacement in the Far the army and Cameroon. Resident population 3,945,168 insurgents. BH attacks in Cameroon intensified  another influx of IDPs 81,700 displaced people to Cameroon. Nigerian refugees 74,000 As of end April, there ACAPS Briefing Note: Displacement in Cameroon Crisis Impact as many women have lost their husbands (IRIN, 19/05/2015). As of 28 May, the Far North of Cameroon (Logone-et-Chari; Mayo Sava, Dimare, Mayo- Sanaga)

UNU WIDER: United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research · 4 July 2022 English

WIDER Working Paper 2022/75-Return migration and entrepreneurship in Cameroon

entrepreneurship in Cameroon WIDER Working Paper 2022/75 Return migration and entrepreneurship in Cameroon Sévérin the entrepreneurial behaviour of returnees to Cameroon based on original survey data from 2012. Contrary entrepreneurship, probit model, endogeneity, Cameroon JEL classification: C25, F22, J61, L26 Acknowledgements: University of Yaoundé-2, Soa, Cameroon. 2 University of Douala, Cameroon. Corresponding author: tamwoseverin@gmail entrepreneurial behaviour among returning migrants in Cameroon. More specifically, we assess the effect of the

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